Do you REALLY want that side hustle?

Ups and Downs of the Side Hustle

Alex Hobcraft

5/8/20241 min read

man using MacBook
man using MacBook

You sure you want that side hustle?

It’s hard work

But maybe grinding through your 9-5 is worth it?

As someone who did both a 9-5 and ran a 2-location business last year this is what I learned:

1) A 9-5 has it’s perks

Here are some good ones:

• You can leave work at work 🕠

• Money every 2 weeks 💵

• Save said money ✅

Bad mouth your boss Grumble about the job

2) Solopreneuring is lonely

You are the marketing, sales, customer service, accountant, bookkeeper, R&D, and advisor.

Often all on the same day. Or within the same hour.

3/ Sacrificing is part of the deal

Dinner out with friends, family trips, and time with your pet will all be reduced. 10x

4/ Being a part of a team.

It's great to have the camaraderie is irreplaceable. I enjoy being a part of something and not always leading it.


• There are perks

• It can be lonely

• Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrific

• Being part of a team

• No free cake